MIR COIN has the most realistic platform to expand to the whole world and is aiming for global expansion. It will cover the world as one and will complete all payment transactions with one MIR COIN regardless of the exchange rate and the currency of each country. To make this happen, MIR LAND is launched, and the revenue and profits generated are rewarded to users and used as a better system and service. MIR COIN will be easy to use regardless of time and space, and it will become a COIN and MIR LAND that the world is enthusiastic.
HashFuture is the next-generation blockchain platform for digital asset affirmation and circulation. As a platform and bridge linking the physical and digital world, HashFuture aims to solve the problem of digital assets property rights issues and cross-chain asset transfer. HashFuture develops the all-encompassed structure of 'protocol layer—technical layer—application layer' system based on blockchain technology to overcome the roadblocks on ownership recognition and transaction recording of digital assets. As a platform and bridge linking the physical and digital world, HashFuture aims to solve the problem of digital assets property rights issues and cross-chain asset transfer. HashFuture develops a brand-new three-dimensional, one-stop, digital assets affirmation and circulation platform on blockchain, using the structure of 'protocol layer—technical layer—application layer'.