MIR COIN has the most realistic platform to expand to the whole world and is aiming for global expansion. It will cover the world as one and will complete all payment transactions with one MIR COIN regardless of the exchange rate and the currency of each country. To make this happen, MIR LAND is launched, and the revenue and profits generated are rewarded to users and used as a better system and service. MIR COIN will be easy to use regardless of time and space, and it will become a COIN and MIR LAND that the world is enthusiastic.
Bitcoin Rhodium is a community-based digital asset with limited supply and strong use case. The coin meets all the requirements of users for a long-term investment in cryptocurrency and unites the best of the worlds of crypto and traditional investment. Bitcoin Rhodium gathers a strong community of supporters around the currency in order to raise its awareness in the crypto market. The team also offers Strong Hands partnership programme where holders can earn from 0,5% to 30% of reward on XRC holdings every year.