MARK.SPACE is an open-source platform for the creation of 3D/VR/AR-compatible spaces and objects of any purpose, as well as their quick launch and integration into a unique ecosystem. The platform supports a crypto economy and is powered by Blockchain. MARK.SPACE supports all Internet browsers (preferably Chrome) and, at the same time, is compatible with CardBoard, Oculus and HTC Vive. A desktop PC or tablet is all that is needed to create a state-of-the-art VR store, office, community or other space for business or entertainment. The MARK.SPACE universe consists of multiple VR spaces (units), in which each unit can be linked directly to its own top-level domain. The property right to the units is guaranteed by recording all transactions involving units (creation, sale, purchase or rental) on the Blockchain. All unit owners may buy, sell or rent their units to others using smart contracts. MARK.SPACE has an internal currency - the MARK token (MRK), which is a utility token (not a paper bond), allowing all users to sell and buy VR spaces and objects, consume various goods and use services, pay salaries to their employees and to buy ads to promote their businesses through the MARK.SPACE platform. GPU-miners who will be rendering VR spaces and objects for the platform’s users will also receive rewards in MRK tokens (Proof of Work (PoW) Concept).
Gas is one of the two coins created by Neo Foundation. Gas is used as a processing fees for Neo coin. Neo hashing algorithm is Proof of Stake (PoS), where blocks processing power depends on the amount of tokens held by miners instead of the Proof of Work method which depends on the mining power that a miner has to create a new block. Neo holders is compensated with certain amount of Gas every month, is a similar concept to the ether gas and is used as a power for transaction (transaction). It is a coin that is paid as compensation of a concept of interest generated by PoS mining. At the beginning of the release, about one Neo was paid per day with 1000 Neo, but it has a design algorithm that is gradually decreasing over time, which is offset by the price increase. It is a coin that is closely related to Neo, walking along the path of the companion with the rise of Neo, and it forms a necessary relationship that the movement must be moving in a fluid manner.