It is a blockchain-based ecosystem that connects all services, like the car dealer shops, mechanic shops and car rental companies, that touch your car to collect its lifetime data. Participants from automobile-related companies, services or trade industry will be connected and they will insert core data related to driving, traffic accidents, repairs and other car-related transactions into the blockchain. Participants who provide data related to automobile will receive MVL Point (MVP), a reward system used to encourage contribution to the ecosystem.
Polybius Bank project will operate on the principles of an Open API, employing reputable innovations and services within the framework of payment and data processing industry. The activities of the Polybius will be developed on an incremental basis investing the capital according to the development of the customer base and with the objective of maximizing the capital versus revenues ratio. By providing the infrastructure for system-to-system communications, Polybius Foundation will act as a Trustee service and will be responsible for the control and execution of compliance-related directives.