NAGA is a public listed, EU-regulated German Fintech company with trading-platforms for financial markets and virtual goods, a market cap of more than 200m Euros, millions in revenues and billions in trading volume every month. Investments and trading are ruled and governed by greedy banks and corporates that control access, operate non-transparent and always take a cut of your money. At NAGA we are about to change that. By introducing the NAGA COIN, we are on a mission to revolutionize the outdated banking sector. The financial markets are about to change, and we embrace that.
MintCoin is a new Proof of Work (POW) / Proof of Stake (POW) hybrid cryptocurrency coin. It's objective is to become the next innovative, secure, and energy efficient cryptocoin in the market. MintCoin is distributed using a fast POW distribution mechanism, and after 5 weeks, it becomes a pure POS coin. This makes the coin completely energy efficient in order to sustain itself, not having to depend on resource intensive mining rigs. MintCoin now runs on 100% Proof-of-Stake to secure the network. After the year 2016, stakers will receive a fixed 5% indefinitely as reward for securing the network. PoS variable interests: - 1st year: 20% - 2nd year: 15% - 3rd year: 10% - 4th and subsequent years: 5% MintCoin is often compared with its close counterpart - Peercoin and NXT