Nimiq is a browser based blockchain. It was written in Javascript ES6 and because of this, the complete blockchain runs in the browser. The main goal of Nimiq is to solve the payment solution, and to provide a browser based payment solution of sending money. They also have nearly instant transactions as well. Nimiq is a CPU only mineable coin, since it uses the Aragon2D algorithm. Nimiq intends to lower barriers of entry for blockchain technology, and make it accessible for mainstream use. With an operational betanet already live, users can experience how simple it is to mine inside a browser - installation free. Nimiq is making blockchain technology as accessible as the internet, with a vision to truly decentralize the web. Current available cryptocurrencies are complicated and counterintuitive for the average person to use. True internet decentralization is impossible if access to blockchain technology is limited to only the technically oriented people. Until blockchain can be picked up with general recognition and general usage, its true power remains unrealized. Nimiq originally began as an ERC20 (Ethereum) token, known as NET or Nimiq Exchange Token. Nimiq held its ICO throughout June and July of 2017, and raised over 10 million USD. NET trading was enabled shortly after the ICO, and development began on the project’s Github. NET was converted to NIM, the currency that is based on the Nimiq blockchain and network, on March 31st of 2018. Nimiq’s wallet (Nimiq Safe) is built right into the Nimiq website, which means there is no need to download or sync a wallet application. The wallet will lead you through a setup guide, which will help backup and secure your wallet in the case of data loss. As the Nimiq wallet is based in the browser, however, erasing your cache could delete your balance – so keeping a backup is highly recommended.
nOS is a virtual operating system that introduces a new, decentralized internet. On this new internet user data is safe, and it only goes where the user wants it to go. nOS solves key issues surrounding dApp development, deployment, discovery, and interaction, allowing for true adoption of decentralized applications and blockchain technology. Because applications can choose to make their back-ends fully open-source and transparent, this new implementation of the World Wide Web is defined as the Open Internet. On nOS, applications and websites can be deployed in a completely open and decentralized manner by integrating smart contracts, client-side code, and public-key cryptography. Unlike server-side backend code, smart contracts can be open for all to read, allowing users to review how their data will be transmitted before any final commitments to action. Client-side code and other frontend materials can be distributed via nOS Filesystem, a decentralized file sharing protocol that allows for secure and transparent distribution of static files. By serving both backend logic and frontend material in an open-source, decentralized manner, true transparency between user and application can be achieved. dApps that are deployed to nOS can be accessed through nOS Client, a software solution for desktop and mobile that (among other features) introduces nOS Browser. nOS Browser functions as a web browser, with the added benefit that it integrates with the nOS Protocol, a blockchain-powered web protocol that facilitates secure and open accessibility of nOS dApps. The nOS Protocol resolves domain names that exist on nOS Name Service, a blockchain-powered decentralized implementation of a Domain Name Service, and allows for dApps to register domain names which are discoverable on nOS (e.g. mydapp.neo or my-dapp.eth). The dApp Gateway is a user-friendly dApp discovery platform (or “App Store”) where rankings are decided in a completely decentralized manner via Decentralized Authority. In order to achieve the features such as the ones described above, nOS is powered by the nOS Utility Token. The nOS Utility Token employs various staking and reward utilities which are intended for developers who wish to deploy and maintain dApps on nOS, and for end-users who wish to practice governance by Decentralized Authority. nOS eliminates the need for end-users to manually exchange crypto-currencies in order to make use of various dApps. By integrating crypto-currency exchange APIs, nOS Client automatically converts primary blockchain platform currencies (e.g. NEO/GAS for NEO, ETH for Ethereum) into the required amount of application tokens that are needed to make specific transactions or invocations.