Nuls (NULS) is a Singaporean based project is trying to develop a highly adaptable blockchain that can be used for enterprise solutions. They have regularly used the phrase “Nuls is nothing, Nuls is everything”. In other words, Nuls is not traditionally defined and can be melded into anything that the community sees fit. Nuls is looking to solve the problems faced by blockchains by creating one that features modularity and sub-chain operability. The two part design of functional modules and microkernels will provide both an underlying network mechanism and compartmentalized features for the blockchain.Essentially this should provide scalability and security to the blockchain, while adhering to the programming practices of low coupling and high cohesion. And because the blockchain is designed to be modular, it becomes hot pluggable, allowing for the addition or removal of modules at any time. There are several blockchain problems inhibiting growth and development of the industry that have been identified by the Nuls team. One such issue is the cost of development. Because there is a shortage of blockchain proficient developers, those with skills can command higher salaries.This is simply demand exceeding supply and will eventually level out as more IT professionals learn blockchain skills. That’s when businesses will see greater adoption of the technology, and only the most trustworthy blockchains will be of interest. Nuls is working to make trustworthy solutions to business problems. Nuls is primarily focused on making blockchain more accessible for developers and businesses. It seeks to do this through its modularity and the use of sub-chains, and hopes to break the complexity associated with blockchain projects, while also solving the scalability issue that is hindering the growth of the industry. Nuls will make trust simpler, increasing the adoption rate of blockchain technology by businesses. They will also lower the cost of entry by removing complexity and increasing the supply of developers capable of programming blockchain applications. Taken all together, the Nuls ecosystem will benefit developers, businesses, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts by providing needed solutions and increasing usage and adoption of blockchain technology. Check out CoinBureau for the full review of Nuls.
Fusion is a project which consists of an all-inclusive blockchain-based financial platform that offers cross-chain, cross-organization, and cross-data source services through smart contract employment. FUSION was established by the CEO of BitSE, an incubation company which developed QTUM Blockchain and the VeChain blockchain, crypto projects which are both successful. Fusion uses the Hierarchical Hybrid Consensus Mechanism (HHCM) that borrows things from PoW and PoS. At the same time, it uses a parallel computing by grouping nodes together, creating an efficient and safe platform. The Fusion team used in its whitepaper the term Internet of Values which refers mostly to cryptocurrency related matters, such as the exchange and management of digital assets securely and without intermediaries. The Distributed Control Right Management is a security layer that protects all locked-in cryptocurrency assets on the Fusion blockchain. The distributed storage and sharding of a private key ensures that no one can have access the complete private key, meaning that no single node can gain control of the digital assets. Along with the traditional transaction triggering mechanism, FUSION incorporated time and event based triggers into its smart contracts. These three triggering modes have resulted from various financial situations, and have been designed to meet the requests of complex financial smart contracts. BitSE, the company behind the Fusion Project, was founded in 2013 by Dejun Qian, being also responsible for the creation of QTUM and VeChain. QTUM and VeChain are both blockchain foundations which developed into independent ventures. The native token of the Fusion platform, FSN, will be used in paying network fees. Smart contracts require FSN in order for them to be executed, much like how ETH is used in the Ethereum network. Fusion (FSN) has a short history in the cryptocurrency market, which does not allow us to make predictions in the long term. Fusion cryptocurrency will have its Fusion mainnet launch before 30th June. We can expect a small increase in price due to this.