Nuls (NULS) is a Singaporean based project is trying to develop a highly adaptable blockchain that can be used for enterprise solutions. They have regularly used the phrase “Nuls is nothing, Nuls is everything”. In other words, Nuls is not traditionally defined and can be melded into anything that the community sees fit. Nuls is looking to solve the problems faced by blockchains by creating one that features modularity and sub-chain operability. The two part design of functional modules and microkernels will provide both an underlying network mechanism and compartmentalized features for the blockchain.Essentially this should provide scalability and security to the blockchain, while adhering to the programming practices of low coupling and high cohesion. And because the blockchain is designed to be modular, it becomes hot pluggable, allowing for the addition or removal of modules at any time. There are several blockchain problems inhibiting growth and development of the industry that have been identified by the Nuls team. One such issue is the cost of development. Because there is a shortage of blockchain proficient developers, those with skills can command higher salaries.This is simply demand exceeding supply and will eventually level out as more IT professionals learn blockchain skills. That’s when businesses will see greater adoption of the technology, and only the most trustworthy blockchains will be of interest. Nuls is working to make trustworthy solutions to business problems. Nuls is primarily focused on making blockchain more accessible for developers and businesses. It seeks to do this through its modularity and the use of sub-chains, and hopes to break the complexity associated with blockchain projects, while also solving the scalability issue that is hindering the growth of the industry. Nuls will make trust simpler, increasing the adoption rate of blockchain technology by businesses. They will also lower the cost of entry by removing complexity and increasing the supply of developers capable of programming blockchain applications. Taken all together, the Nuls ecosystem will benefit developers, businesses, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts by providing needed solutions and increasing usage and adoption of blockchain technology. Check out CoinBureau for the full review of Nuls.
VITE - A Next Generation High-performance Decentralized Application Platform DAG Ledger Transactions in Vite are grouped by accounts. That is, each transaction only changes the state of one single account. Send transactions are separated from receive transactions, thereby obviating the need to wait for a transfer to be complete before the initiation of another transaction. The hierarchical design of the consensus algorithm allows horizontal scalability in consensus groups. Asynchronous Architecture Vite splits transactions into transaction pairs according to a 'request-response' pattern. The writing and verification of transactions are asynchronously decoupled, thereby supporting ultra-high throughput. Inter-contract communications are based on an asynchronous messaging model. Reactive Contract Message-Driven With an event-driven architecture, every smart contract is viewed as an independent service. Contracts communicate via messages without sharing state. Solidity++ Solidity++’s syntax is compatible with most of that of Solidity. The new syntax supports asynchronous semantics, contract scheduling, and provides a series of standard libraries, such as string manipulation, floating-point operations, basic mathematical operations, containers, sorting, and so on. Integrated Decentralized Ecosystem End-to-end system for value transfer Vite itself is a decentralized exchange that supports digital asset issuance, cross-chain value transmission, and inter-token transactions based on the Loopring protocol. A quota-based resource allocation mechanism allows light users to pay zero fees and gas. Users can obtain computing resources in multiple ways. Vite also supports quota leasing. dApp Mini Programs The Vite client features an engine for creating HTML5-based decentralized mini programs. This engine simplifies the process of dApp development and deployment.