OBSERVER Coin is an utility coin that promotes crowd-sourced weather data trading. Individuals earn OBSR by sending personal weather observations, such as air temperature, pressure, humidity, and fine dust concentrations, to the OBSERVER FOUNDATION. Whenever observations are successfully performed, the details are recorded in a royalty token, ROT, and the data provider receives OBSR as compensation. All observations are subject to quality control by meteorological experts and managed through big data technology. Data buyers can purchase OBSR from the cryptocurrency exchanges for weather data and acquire data through the OBSERVER FOUNDATION.
BCZERO Coin is a platform for the future of funding for all kind of payments to the Truck Racing Community worldwide that is build on Top of the Ethereum blockchain. It will act as a payment platform for payment of Racing Series and Racing Events in China, India, Europe, Asea and South America, as well as for Sponsorships, Merchandising and Racing Fans. -Truck Racing community worldwide -Off-Road Racing -Circuit Racing -Marketing & Merchandising -Tokens and Smart Contracts -Global Payment -Private Transactions -Sponsorships