Mastercoin / Omni is a digital currency built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. Its features include the development of a decentralised exchange and the implementation of smart property and savings wallet. The Master Protocol facilitates the creation and trading of smart properties and user currencies as well as other types of smart contracts. Mastercoin enables the Bitcoin eco-system to become more decentralized. The Mastercoin project was launched on 31 July 2013 with a one-month long fundraiser. Those interested in obtaining Mastercoin may send bitcoin to an 'Exodus Address' where the funds collected would be used to fund the development of Mastercoin. Around 500 people invested in Mastercoin sending roughly 5000 bitcoins to the Mastercoin project.
METANOIA is a project designed by international human rights lawyers from the US to advance human rights more efficiently, with a belief that ‘energy is a basic human right’. METANOIA reshapes values of energy-human rights in times of the 4th Industrial Revolution by carrying out energy development assistance programs and building microgrids (P2P electricity transaction) to tackle energy (human rights) imbalances.