'DeepOnion (ONION) describes itself as a decentralized, open-source, community-driven cryptocurrency that offers multi-layered privacy and everyday use cases. It uses an x13 hybrid PoW/PoS to secure the network. DeepOnion claims to be one of the earliest cryptos to integrate the Tor network into the DeepOnion wallet, which has reportedly not leaked any IP addresses since its release on 12 July 2017. Features delivered by the DeepOnion team: DeepSend as a base solution for private and untraceable payments without relying on cryptographic encryption. DeepVault to register and verify digital files with the DeepOnion blockchain. VoteCentral, a balanced and non-biased voting platform for the community. WooCommerce, Shopify and OpenCart payment plugins for merchants. More info can be found at (https://DeepOnion.org)'
SHIVOM is building the largest genomic and health data hub around the globe by combining blockchain, genomic DNA sequencing, artificial intelligence and cryptography to power secure and personalized medicine. Everybody will be able to get their genome sequenced and securely stored, and our ecosystem will offer an open web-marketplace for providers to add their apps and services alongside advanced data analytics. The SHIVOM platform works on principles of collaboration and integrity, allowing people to own, manage and monetize their genomics and health data. As we build this global healthcare ecosystem, we will reach even underserved and low-income countries where such services have not been previously available. Our solution will create shared value for individuals, not-for-profit organizations, governments, and for-profit entities alike. The platform is truly pioneering in the way it utilizes blockchain technology, to protect, secure and monetize the donor’s DNA data to drive precision medicine and healthcare forward.