Orbitcoin is a PoW/PoS coin that is the first coin to implement 0% PoS staking. Orbitcoin's goal is to be used on the normal Internet and darknets like I2P/Tor. At the moment, Orbitcoin works with SOCKS over I2P/Tor. Native support for I2P will be in place soon. Orbitcoin is one of the oldest PoW/PoS altcoins that was launched on the 30th of July 2013. Orbitcoin is founded by Ghostlander, a male located somewhere in Europe.
Genomic data is extremely sensitive. Most people are not aware that your DNA contains information about your life expectancy, your proclivity to depression or schizophrenia, your complete ethnic ancestry, your expected intelligence, maybe even your political inclinations. Within a decade or two your genome will likely reveal even more.