PHOENIX is the next evolution in Red Pulse, bringing forth a revolutionary new infrastructure and upgraded token (PHX). PHOENIX is both a new platform and token (PHX). We’re building on top of the original roadmap that was initially outlined in our whitepaper, adding a new cloud-based knowledge network that connects research consumers with content-producers. PHOENIX will utilize machine learning, natural language processing, and blockchain technology to power a more efficient ecosystem for matching industry experts to clients looking for insights. The PHOENIX platform is powered by a new token, PHX, which will replace our existing RPX token. PHX includes features such as Proof of Creation, Proof of Ownership, regulatory compliance, IP protection and accountability built right into the new smart contract. We will be conducting a token swap in August, so please sign up for our email list in order to get the latest updates as we release information on the upcoming token swap.
Content: We hope to, basing on the technology of block chain, adopting unique non-tamper distributed ledger characteristics of the block chain, build the traceability cloud platform, solve the enterprise's difficulties in information traceability, anti-counterfeit, verification and mobile marketing during commodity production, circulation and distribution and terminal consumption process through the sub-chain of the landing project and corresponding DAPP application, and provide a fast and efficient cluster of cloud services development for the technical developers, so as to solve the problem of 'trusted' for brand enterprises and consumers, and then build a new block chain ecosystem ---Traceability Chain as the future world-selectable internet value transmission protocol, and push forward the practicability and usability of the whole block chain industry. As the most promising block chain ecosystem, it perfectly combines the advantages of Ethereum and Bitshares. Traceability Chain will also constantly and gradually form the block chain economy through the construction of the foundation platform, the design and development of the software and hardware products, the development of various products and the development and iteration of the commercial landing project, improve the industry efficiency, and promote the effective and collaborative development of the society.