Pinkcoin is an x11 PoW/PoS cryptocurrency with a total coin supply of 380 million coins. The Proof-of-Work period lasted for the first 20,000 block that took 7 days to complete. There is a 1% stake interest per year. Pinkcoin has no pre-mine nor IPO though there is some indication of instamine for the first 186 blocks as noted by a code audit conducted.
EURBASE is a hybrid EUR based stable coin with anti inflationary features. Partially collateralized by EUR deposits and partially in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. You can change EBASE to EUR and vice versa at any time on ETERBASE exchange with its integrated IBAN accounts. EURBASE falls under the definition of a payment token under the ESMA definition. EURBASE is fully compliant with AMLD5 and GDPR within the code structure.