Pinkcoin is an x11 PoW/PoS cryptocurrency with a total coin supply of 380 million coins. The Proof-of-Work period lasted for the first 20,000 block that took 7 days to complete. There is a 1% stake interest per year. Pinkcoin has no pre-mine nor IPO though there is some indication of instamine for the first 186 blocks as noted by a code audit conducted.
Orbitcoin is a PoW/PoS coin that is the first coin to implement 0% PoS staking. Orbitcoin's goal is to be used on the normal Internet and darknets like I2P/Tor. At the moment, Orbitcoin works with SOCKS over I2P/Tor. Native support for I2P will be in place soon. Orbitcoin is one of the oldest PoW/PoS altcoins that was launched on the 30th of July 2013. Orbitcoin is founded by Ghostlander, a male located somewhere in Europe.