Kleros is a blockchain Dispute Resolution Layer that provides fast, secure and affordable arbitration for virtually everything. Kleros uses blockchain and crowdsourced specialists to adjudicate disputes in a fast, secure and affordable way. Kleros connects users who need to solve disputes with jurors who have the right skills to solve them. Crowdsourcing taps into a global pool of jurors. Blockchain technology guarantees evidence integrity, transparency in jury selection and incentives for honest rulings
'BANKEX is a fintech company that utilizes blockchain technology to create the infrastructure for the decentralization of the world’s capital markets. BANKEX offers a model wherein possession of its tokens gives users perpetual free access to its services. This is a lot like a subscription to web services, except that payment is only made once, instead of on a regular basis. Ownership of BKX tokens provides free secure cryptocurrency storage with BANKEX Custody Service, pays for escrow commissions and buys arbitration votes in Digital Deal, and will have an important role to play in the BANKEX Security Token ecosystem.'