PotCoin is a digital cryptocurrency aimed to empower, secure, and facilitate the Cannabis community, medicinal and recreational alike. The tagline for PotCoin goes as the following :- 'On every level of the Cannabis, Hemp and financial industries our users and supporters can entrust PotCoin to extend credibility, stability and security to this exponentially growing market and community.' It is based on the Proof of Work Scrypt algorithm with a total maximum supply of 420 million coins. PotCoin supports wallet software on most major platform including Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. It also has a web wallet.
Loki combines a private transaction network based on Monero with economically incentivised service nodes to create a trustless quorum based networking protocol. This protocol allows anyone to route small packets of data in an anonymous and decentralised way. The front end applications that use this packet routing system are private-by-design, and are known as Service Node Apps “SNApps”; the first of which is the Loki Messenger - a decentralised, anonymous and private messaging service. Check out Coinbureau for the complete review of Loki Coin.