PotCoin is a digital cryptocurrency aimed to empower, secure, and facilitate the Cannabis community, medicinal and recreational alike. The tagline for PotCoin goes as the following :- 'On every level of the Cannabis, Hemp and financial industries our users and supporters can entrust PotCoin to extend credibility, stability and security to this exponentially growing market and community.' It is based on the Proof of Work Scrypt algorithm with a total maximum supply of 420 million coins. PotCoin supports wallet software on most major platform including Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. It also has a web wallet.
Myriadcoin is the first coin to implement five different Proof-of-Work hashing alrogithm in the same coin, namely Scypt, SHA256D, Qubit, Skein and Groestl. This multiple hashing algorithm serves to make mining fairer and encourage even distribution. Each algorithm has the same chance of solving the next block and has its own independent difficulty while using the same difficulty adjustment method. Each algorithm aims for a block generation time of 2.5 minutes. Any existing CPU,GPU and ASIC miners can be used to mine Myriadcoin. Over the five algorithms, a block should be found on average every 30 seconds. Every 967680 blocks, the block reward halves in order to reduce inflation. Difficulty is adjusted after every block. Myriadcoin was launched on 23 February 2014.