Prometeus PROM to ZPER ZPR Exchange

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Crypto Pair Details: PROM to ZPR

Prometeus PROM

Prometeus Network is a secure and decentralized ecosystem designed to solve real-world problems in data brokerage, created for the Influencer Marketing, Medical and Insurance data market industries. Prometeus Network is developed by Prometeus Labs. A company existing out of data scientists and entrepreneurs who have been working for more than 15 years on machine learning, business development and marketing.


ZPER is an ecosystem for decentralized P2P finance, built upon blockchain technology. We aim to create new, efficient financial environment that transcends borders and currencies. Through active cooperation of top established pioneering corporations in the field of P2P finance, we offer innovative flows of funds in global scale. ZPR token is a means of value exchanges that all participants of the ecosystem will be using. It is used as a currency in all transactions, including investments for P2P loans, reimbursement of mature loans, rewards for data providers, commissions for NPL purchasers. Transactions will be kept transparent and independent from currencies and boundaries by the use of ZPR.


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