Primas is a platform for high-quality content centred in Distributed Trusted Content Protocol or DTCP. It utilized blockchain technology in ascertaining content credibility and also utilized economic incentives to speed up the creation and circulation of the content of high quality. It also gives the readers the capacity to view the customized content of high-quality via social recommendations. Traditional internet application can also make use of APIs in accessing Primas, thereby gaining instant access to the power offered by Primas. The token spreading on Primas platform is known as PST. It is utilized for rewarding the creators of valuable content on the Primas DApp as well as the miners who aid in the upkeep of the Hawkeye crawlers and Primas Node. The utilization of POS secondary networking ensures high scalability, hastened accessing speeds and the capacity to support massive scale applications simultaneously. Users are not required to hold on for block confirmations to attain a user experience which is consistent. This also greatly minimizes the cost of the transaction of utilizing blockchain and sorts issues of bottlenecking. A totally decentralized structure which employs an economic incentivization system and technique for node discovery lets anyone partake or quit by utilizing the Primas node at any moment without having an impact on end users. Presently, the secondary network linked to Ethereum is compatible with the use of a massive amount of users. In the event of serious overcrowding on the Ethereum network, users will still have the capacity to utilize Primas without stalling. They also are not required to make payment for gas fees.
Ivy is a blockchain-based technology for FIAT & cryptocurrency business transactions which require extensive verification in the international monetary system. The Ivy network utilizes Ivy (IVY) tokens which carry KYC & KYT data points critical for Financial Institution validation. Advantages of Ivy Network over traditional payment networks: 1. Securely facilitate the transfer of cryptocurrency payments while associating KYC and KYT data via the trusted, distributed ivyKoin network 2. Securely store an immutable reference to supporting transaction data in a public blockchain 3. Embed more KYT & KYC information into the transfer than traditional payment methods 4. Able to be integrated into existing banking software 5. Offer easy integration into accounting software for bookkeeping efficiency 6. Provide revocable access to KYC/KYT data to financial institutions, accountants, company managers and others, depending on the information they require OVERVIEW OF ARCHITECTURE It is intended that the Ivy Network will function through the use of a dual network architecture, where senders of Tokens operate on a public network (Ivy Public Network), and parties that provide the financial settlement to fiat currency participate on a private network (Ivy Private Network). KYC/KYT/AML data supporting transactions will be captured in cryptographic containers that are generated from the Ivy Public Network interaction with the Ivy Network smart contracts and support the activities of the Ivy Private Network participants in facilitating transaction settlement. This data will be stored and accessible by the financial institution and governing regulators of the fiat balance recipients.