Piction Network is creating a new peer to peer digital contents ecosystem. We are disrupting the centralized models of content distribution dominated by extractive intermediaries. We intend to build an ecosystem where all participants will co-exist for the healthy growth of the digital content market. Equality of opportunity should be guaranteed for many creators through low entry barriers. The final consumer should not go beyond simple purchasing but expand opportunities for the rights and participation as consumers in the content market. In addition, by creating an open market and eliminating unnecessary intermediary operators, content distributors are expected to benefit from the sharing of reasonable revenues.
Gapcoin is a new prime number based p2p cryptocurrency, which tries to eliminate the sticking points of other scientific currencies like Primecoin or Riecoin. It's a fork of Satoshi Nakamotos Bitcoin, a decentralized payment system which is independent of banks, governments and other centralized regulators. With Gapcoin, you will be able to anonymously send money around the globe in no time. The big improvement in comparison to Bitcoin is that instead of burning electricity for its own sake, Gapcoins Proof of Work function actually does useful work by searching for large prime gaps