Piction Network is creating a new peer to peer digital contents ecosystem. We are disrupting the centralized models of content distribution dominated by extractive intermediaries. We intend to build an ecosystem where all participants will co-exist for the healthy growth of the digital content market. Equality of opportunity should be guaranteed for many creators through low entry barriers. The final consumer should not go beyond simple purchasing but expand opportunities for the rights and participation as consumers in the content market. In addition, by creating an open market and eliminating unnecessary intermediary operators, content distributors are expected to benefit from the sharing of reasonable revenues.
Chi (Q-Chi) can be broken down to mean quantum essence of life, is attempting to harness the disruptive blockchain technology to power the marketing, health and gaming industry. Providing a sustainable chain/supply while bringing future financial opportunities and increase in value to its participants. QChi is collaborating with computer technology, health, tourism and marketing based companies to bring crypto/blockchain technology to the these industries. The cooperation is aimed at providing Qchi a solid and stable backing to achieve a promising future.