PRIZM — the first fair cryptocurrency! Decentralization, convenience, security. PARAMINING Paramining — unique technology, created specifically for PRIZM. SPEED OF BLOCK GENERATION The average time to generate a blockchain takes 59 seconds and does not depend on the number of transactions. EASY CONVERSION TO OTHER CURRENCIES Using the global P2P system PRIZM.STORE, for free conversion of PZM at a fixed rate. INNOVATIONS Use of modern eco-crypto-technologies POS, instead of labor-consuming and energy-consuming systems POW.
MintCoin is a new Proof of Work (POW) / Proof of Stake (POW) hybrid cryptocurrency coin. It's objective is to become the next innovative, secure, and energy efficient cryptocoin in the market. MintCoin is distributed using a fast POW distribution mechanism, and after 5 weeks, it becomes a pure POS coin. This makes the coin completely energy efficient in order to sustain itself, not having to depend on resource intensive mining rigs. MintCoin now runs on 100% Proof-of-Stake to secure the network. After the year 2016, stakers will receive a fixed 5% indefinitely as reward for securing the network. PoS variable interests: - 1st year: 20% - 2nd year: 15% - 3rd year: 10% - 4th and subsequent years: 5% MintCoin is often compared with its close counterpart - Peercoin and NXT