PRIZM — the first fair cryptocurrency! Decentralization, convenience, security. PARAMINING Paramining — unique technology, created specifically for PRIZM. SPEED OF BLOCK GENERATION The average time to generate a blockchain takes 59 seconds and does not depend on the number of transactions. EASY CONVERSION TO OTHER CURRENCIES Using the global P2P system PRIZM.STORE, for free conversion of PZM at a fixed rate. INNOVATIONS Use of modern eco-crypto-technologies POS, instead of labor-consuming and energy-consuming systems POW.
Platon Finance is the first insured crypto-financial ecosystem based on a Ethereum blockchain, connecting the classic fiat money market with modern digital currencies via its own ERC-20 standard token, PlatonCoin. Thanks to high-security standards by the latest Symantec technologies and the crypto insurance against cyber theft by a Lloyd's syndicate, Platon Finance is bringing a unique blockchain-based solution to the increasing security issues around digital assets.