We are a creative agency with a passion for innovation & the design of beautiful creations. We have all envisioned certain aspects of past cryptocurrency projects we would have liked to see come to fruition, and we are applying those underlying philosophies to Rapids. Social Media Networks have become the new medium of personal expression and overall communication. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have also enriched our lives by altering the way we transact through online channels. Combining the technologies of social media along with blockchain technology, Rapids aspires to make online transactions even more accessible. With Rapids embedded into social media platforms, we will be able to send and receive payments directly to friends, family, colleagues, companies, and anyone in between. We are currently in the development phase and are expanding daily. Follow us on social media to support our cause and to stay up to date.
'Silverway provides aggregated and structured OTC (over-the-counter) data for crypto markets The ecosystem includes hundreds of professional investors, brokers, exchanges and projects as well as thousands of large and retail investors, and could potentially be opened up to far more accredited market participants The platform has been created by a team of former investment bankers and private equity professionals who have been amongst the pioneer professional investors in the crypto and blockchain sector'