With Skrumble Network, we’re currently in the process of building a completely decentralized social media communication application. Incorporating the traditional messaging, audio and video calling for peer-to-peer and groups, it will also include the ability to send cryptocurrencies in-app, and more. It is Skrumble Network’s mission to innovate methods of communication and create opportunities for people to connect globally on the most secure networks possible, which is why we’ll also be building our very own blockchain that is uniquely optimized for communication connections and transactions and cannot be blocked by any firewall.
PRIZM — the first fair cryptocurrency! Decentralization, convenience, security. PARAMINING Paramining — unique technology, created specifically for PRIZM. SPEED OF BLOCK GENERATION The average time to generate a blockchain takes 59 seconds and does not depend on the number of transactions. EASY CONVERSION TO OTHER CURRENCIES Using the global P2P system PRIZM.STORE, for free conversion of PZM at a fixed rate. INNOVATIONS Use of modern eco-crypto-technologies POS, instead of labor-consuming and energy-consuming systems POW.