Solarcoin is a Scrypt based alternative digital currency and its innovation comes from the secondary proof of work reward: the Solar Proof of Work. Green solar energy producers are entitled to receive one SLR for every MWh electricity generated. In order to claim a Solar Proof of Work reward, solar plant owners must submit 3rd party verified energy generation certificates such as a Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) or equivalent country specific documentation. All Solar Proof Of Work rewards will be stored as transactions in the blockchain. The supply of SLR comprises of the following: - The Mining Pool: 105 million Solarcoins (0.1%) to be publicly mined over the next 40 years. All publicly mined Solarcoins represent historically generated and unclaimed solar electricity. - The Generator Pool: 97.5 billion SolarCoins (99.4%) are currently stored in the OCA non-circulating generation pool account. These will be exchanged for Solar Proof of Work claims of solar electricity generation submitted over the next 40 years at the rate of 1 SLR per MWh of solar energy. - The Genesis Pool: 500 million Solarcoins (0.5%) are stored in the genesis pool account for environmental charities, early volunteers, advisers, builders and maintainers of SolarCoin infrastructure. Genesis pool circulation is capped so that it will never represent more than 5% of total Solarcoin in circulation.
Content: We hope to, basing on the technology of block chain, adopting unique non-tamper distributed ledger characteristics of the block chain, build the traceability cloud platform, solve the enterprise's difficulties in information traceability, anti-counterfeit, verification and mobile marketing during commodity production, circulation and distribution and terminal consumption process through the sub-chain of the landing project and corresponding DAPP application, and provide a fast and efficient cluster of cloud services development for the technical developers, so as to solve the problem of 'trusted' for brand enterprises and consumers, and then build a new block chain ecosystem ---Traceability Chain as the future world-selectable internet value transmission protocol, and push forward the practicability and usability of the whole block chain industry. As the most promising block chain ecosystem, it perfectly combines the advantages of Ethereum and Bitshares. Traceability Chain will also constantly and gradually form the block chain economy through the construction of the foundation platform, the design and development of the software and hardware products, the development of various products and the development and iteration of the commercial landing project, improve the industry efficiency, and promote the effective and collaborative development of the society.