Sentivate is a revolutionary advancement, not evolutionary, in Internet architecture. Sentivate has a hybrid topology consisting of interconnected centralized & decentralized systems. The network is designed to go beyond the capabilities that any solely centralized or decentralized network could offer. Sentivate has the ability to operate in a decentralized or centralized topology, if the need ever arose, giving it a unique dynamic topology. With Sentivate's data transport protocol, UDSP, all the issues associated with TCP will be a relic of the past. Sentivate is designed to be a realistic and viable replacement for the increasingly slugish Web we have today.
The vision of KuaiToken (KT) is to build a global decentralized pan-entertainment ecosystem. In the future, in various pan-entertainment platforms within the ecosystem, such as exchanges, games, live broadcasts, etc., KT will exist as the basis for the circulation and consumption of tokens for each platform. KuaiToken, KT is a digital currency based on Ethereum Smart Contracts. It has the characteristics of stable value, openness, transparency, high recognition, and decentralized payment. All data of the KuaiToken is open, transparent, and non-tamperable. The price of each KuaiToken is fixed at approximately $0.15 (or 1CNY).