The key to Space Chain is to deploy all blockchain nodes on satellites so as to bring blockchain technology into space, adding a new dimension to blockchain’s core concept of distributed ledger by making use of space technology and advantages of space resources. As a space blockchain platform featuring data collecting, computing, application and storage, Space Chain uses satellites as its blockchain nodes for realizing direct on-satellite data processing and secure in-space data storage through cryptographic technologies such as quantum communications. Different from ground-network-based blockchain technology, Space chain provides a broader coverage and is based on a network of LEO satellites for achieving broad-based connectivity so that anyone and anything could become the user of blockchain technology anywhere and anytime.
Boolberry is a cryptocurrency based on CryptoNote technology. Boolberry's major benefit is to provide much stronger privacy to both the senders and receivers of transactions. The destination of a transaction can only be determined by its real recipient and transactions cannot be linked to a single sender. Each transaction could have many equally possible senders, and an attacker cannot determine which one it was. There is an aliasing facility built into the blockchain so that people or programs can send money to, for example, '@zoidberg' instead of a long address.