An Ethereum smart-contract token with a difference Deflationary Statera's core algorithm is designed to ensure that for every transaction, 1% of the amount transacted is destroyed. Exchange Smart-exchange routing, including, but not limited to, Kyber, 0x Relays, Uniswap, Balancer & 1inch. Portfolio Constant arbitrage trading opportunities keep Statera's portfolio weights and tokens in a constant ratio. Statera rebalacing Every trade for Statera creates an arbitrage opportunity. Trading attracts liquidity, which in-turn attracts trading. Liquidity ripples and the supply of Statera decreases. 'statera' is derived from the Latin word for 'balance'
Blockchain has evolved in leaps and bounds as we progress and so are the endless solutions & possibilities. With the industry to yet reach its pinnacle, it has become mandatory to have some structure in place which focuses on safety of the project, team & developers. We at CVCCC bring you the solution that lets you enjoy a good night’s sleep and invest safely.