An Ethereum smart-contract token with a difference Deflationary Statera's core algorithm is designed to ensure that for every transaction, 1% of the amount transacted is destroyed. Exchange Smart-exchange routing, including, but not limited to, Kyber, 0x Relays, Uniswap, Balancer & 1inch. Portfolio Constant arbitrage trading opportunities keep Statera's portfolio weights and tokens in a constant ratio. Statera rebalacing Every trade for Statera creates an arbitrage opportunity. Trading attracts liquidity, which in-turn attracts trading. Liquidity ripples and the supply of Statera decreases. 'statera' is derived from the Latin word for 'balance'
Chi (Q-Chi) can be broken down to mean quantum essence of life, is attempting to harness the disruptive blockchain technology to power the marketing, health and gaming industry. Providing a sustainable chain/supply while bringing future financial opportunities and increase in value to its participants. QChi is collaborating with computer technology, health, tourism and marketing based companies to bring crypto/blockchain technology to the these industries. The cooperation is aimed at providing Qchi a solid and stable backing to achieve a promising future.