STPT STPT to OneRoot Network RNT Exchange

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Crypto Pair Details: STPT to RNT


Standard Tokenization Protocol is a smart contract platform that allows issuers to create and issue token offerings in a regulatory compliant manner in a large number of jurisdictions around the globe. The protocol allows the integration of international regulations to enable compliant issuance of tokenized assets and cross-jurisdictional transfers of ownership. It also allows for issuer-specific parameters such as ownership concentration, holding periods, and voting. By issuing a permissioned ERC-20 token (STPT) on the Ethereum blockchain, Standard Tokenization Protocol ensures that: 1) regulatory and issuer-specific compliance requirements included in the smart contract are met at the token level, and 2) changes in the regulatory landscape can be captured and integrated. Standard Tokenization Protocol standard enables the tokenization of any type of asset in a globally compliant manner.

OneRoot Network RNT

Concept and applications based on the blockchain technology are disrupting and transforming the traditional economy and will eventually form a new comprehensive and efficient system. ONEROOT aims to make use of the immutability, transparency and traceability of blockchain while embracing values of decentralization and shared economy to build a network of value that better fits with the characteristics of distributed network and tokenization of assets. Upholding the ideals of sharing and co-operation, our team provides infrastructures for digital assets and co-builds an ecosystem in conformity with characteristics of decentralization, fastening this migration of value.


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