Blockchain based StreamIT brings an opportunity to millions of streamers worldwide to make streaming or vlogging a full time career and grow from it. Every streamer or vlogger yearns for a million subs but other than regular content or interesting descriptions, till now they had nothing more that they could offer to the subscribers. So the subscriber base is totally dependent on your content going viral or at least popular. StreamIt Video bot is here to help many streamers and vloggers like you to retain your viewers and build your channel.
GREENPOWER has been designed to serve as a global rewards currency. GREENPOWER was developed on world-class blockchain technology (Graphene) and features a highly-efficient operating model. The system confirms transactions in just three seconds and has the capacity to process over 100,000 transactions per second. The currency has a fixed supply of coins that has been distributed during the past two years to over 150,000 accounts in over 180 countries. GREENPOWER is a store-of-value unit at the center of an ecosystem of companies, each of which is working synergistically to enhance the overall value for all participants. GREENPOWER is intended to be the currency used as loyalty rewards by millions of merchants worldwide.