TEMCO is the world's first Bitcoin Smart Contract (RSK) based supply chain data platform. TEMCO connects isolated supply chain data and offers business and consumer services. On the business side, TEMCO provides a Business Intelligence Tool (BI-Tool) to help companies efficiently analyze and gain insights from data on the blockchain. On the consumer side, TEMCO is developing an application where consumers can view transparent supply chain and product data starting from the manufacturer to the final consumer. In addition, TEMCO offers a marketplace where vendors and consumers can directly transact using both fiat and TEMCO tokens.
Say goodbye to payment with just a single cryptocurrency Say hello to SWFT Pay, a one-stop instant exchange, payment aggregation platform with access to all major cryptocurrencies payment channels and with 99.99% system availability. Use SWFT Pay to for all your cryptocurrency trading needs, or to provide a perfect payment experience for your users and accept over 100 cryptocurrencies!• Accept payments in BTC, ETH, EOS, USDT and over 100 other digital currencies from 30+ public chains. SWFT Pay is the most flexible tool for your payment needs.