Telos is a new blockchain network based on EOSIO software. Eos and Telos are both networks running the EOSIO software. Any smart contract that runs on one system should run equally well on the other. Telos has modified the Eos genesis snapshot and some rules to make the network more responsible to the majority of token holders, to be more attractive to DApp developers, and to generally run more responsively and sustainably. TLOS is the name of the token that reflects ownership in the Telos network. A TLOS token is like an EOS token except that there will be around 3X fewer TLOS tokens than EOS.
Chi (Q-Chi) can be broken down to mean quantum essence of life, is attempting to harness the disruptive blockchain technology to power the marketing, health and gaming industry. Providing a sustainable chain/supply while bringing future financial opportunities and increase in value to its participants. QChi is collaborating with computer technology, health, tourism and marketing based companies to bring crypto/blockchain technology to the these industries. The cooperation is aimed at providing Qchi a solid and stable backing to achieve a promising future.