Tierion is launching a universal platform for data verification that operates at massive scale. Businesses safeguard and notarize important documents such as property titles and contracts to ensure anyone can prove their veracity. Surprisingly, there isn’t a universal equivalent for safeguarding digital data. Companies in healthcare, insurance, and financial services are trusted with safeguarding huge volumes of critical data. Proving the authenticity of information within these industries is currently cumbersome, expensive, and in many cases impossible.
Chi (Q-Chi) can be broken down to mean quantum essence of life, is attempting to harness the disruptive blockchain technology to power the marketing, health and gaming industry. Providing a sustainable chain/supply while bringing future financial opportunities and increase in value to its participants. QChi is collaborating with computer technology, health, tourism and marketing based companies to bring crypto/blockchain technology to the these industries. The cooperation is aimed at providing Qchi a solid and stable backing to achieve a promising future.