Tobigca is the world’s first hyperledger based social casino platform. It is a uniquely competitive online social casino platform with already up and running game contents, supported by highly efficient proprietary blockchain technology. In addition to integrating its game contents with blockchain technology, Tobigca’s team has structured the proprietary cryptocurrency ecosystem, best-suited for online social casino business, benefiting all participant in its ecosystem. Active participation is encouraged, as the reward system is designed and applied in line with the level of participants’ participation. Basically, the more participation leads to the more benefits. Tobigca plans to add more social casino game contents to complete the full-fledged social casino platform. Uniquely competitive two-tier blockchain-based (World Node/Game Node) game system : Tobigca has designed two-tier smart contract system to facilitate speedy, stable and safe game play environment. Highly rewarding proprietary cryptocurrency ecosystem : Tobigca has structured its proprietary ecosystem based upon smart contract to ensure transparent dividend policy. In addition, Tobigca’s dividend policy features extra benefits for more active participants in its ecosystem. Simply put, the more you participate, the more benefits you get!
Auroracoin is a cryptocurrency for Iceland that is launched in February 2014. It is 50% premined and the coins will be distributed free-of-charge to all 330,000 citizens of Iceland via an airdrop starting from the midnight of 25th March 2014. Auroracoin is created as an alternative to the Icelandic krona. The movement of krona is severely restricted by the government and its value has dropped significantly against gold and the dollar since 1960. Each Icelandic national will receive 31.8 auroracoins during the airdrop. The creator of auroracoin goes by the pseudonym Baldur Friggjar Odinsson. Aurorcaoin is a clone of Litecoin.