The principle behind T.OS is the establishment of a commercial payment system that utilizes digital currency. This will be the first such system in the history of the world. The solution comprises two coins. The TOS coin, or TOSC, is a regular cryptocurrency coin, which is not used for commerce, but can be exchanged on regular exchanges to any other digital currency. Its value may appreciate or depreciate and that is why it can't be used for commerce.
Sentivate is a revolutionary advancement, not evolutionary, in Internet architecture. Sentivate has a hybrid topology consisting of interconnected centralized & decentralized systems. The network is designed to go beyond the capabilities that any solely centralized or decentralized network could offer. Sentivate has the ability to operate in a decentralized or centralized topology, if the need ever arose, giving it a unique dynamic topology. With Sentivate's data transport protocol, UDSP, all the issues associated with TCP will be a relic of the past. Sentivate is designed to be a realistic and viable replacement for the increasingly slugish Web we have today.