BitTube as a company offers several products that make up an ecosystem. At the heart of this ecosystem is a blockchain-based technology called AirTime, an ad-free monetisation solution that pays a cryptocurrency (TUBE) based on watch time of any type of content. Payouts are taken from a slowly decreasing block reward, calculated based on a user’s AirTime compared to the grand total AirTime per each block. More information can be found at
NATIVE MULTICHAIN PLATFORM PCHAIN is the first native multichain system in the world that supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which consists of one main chain and multiple derived chains. CONSENSUS WITH HIERARCHICAL SHARDING PIPELINE POS based multi layer sharding mechanism with a novel pipeline design that tremendously improves the performance of transactions. SMART CONTRACTS BASED ON SMART DATA A new Oracle mechanism based on the knowledge graph makes it easier to encapsulate smart contracts. W3C compliant smart data effectively adresses the issue of nonintelligence in smart contracts. CROSS CHAIN INVOCATION AND TRANSACTIONS The smart contracts of PCHAIN can be easily invoked with other nonnative Tokens (BCH, ERC20) by using the provided toolkit.