BitTube as a company offers several products that make up an ecosystem. At the heart of this ecosystem is a blockchain-based technology called AirTime, an ad-free monetisation solution that pays a cryptocurrency (TUBE) based on watch time of any type of content. Payouts are taken from a slowly decreasing block reward, calculated based on a user’s AirTime compared to the grand total AirTime per each block. More information can be found at
UnikoinGold is an ERC20 Ethereum-based token that will serve as an entry to a new version of the existing Unikrn spectator betting system, and it will also become the exclusive token used on our new skill-based betting platform. It will power both wagering and non-wagering experiences throughout the Unikrn platform, thus creating a first viable esports eco-system that will reward the players, content-creators and spectators alike.