Ultra is a protocol and platform positioned to disrupt the $140bn USD gaming industry using blockchain technology to allow anyone to build and operate their own game distribution platform or virtual goods trading service. In doing so, it challenges the current monopoly held by industry heavyweights Steam, Google, and Apple. This will unlock new opportunities and create value for all the actors involved. Large commercial partnerships are signed, the protocol and platform have been built and will be launched in open beta in October 2019. UOS is the Token that powers the Ultra Ecosystem and can be used to purchase everything on the platform, including games, virtual items and ads for game developers. Ultra will accept traditional forms of payment such as Paypal and credit cards as well. These fiat currency transactions are converted to UOS seamlessly on the backend and are completed on the blockchain with UOS tokens. The token will also be used across the platform in many non-transactional ways including betting, tournaments, and donations. TIMELOCK: 10 to 20% of every transaction will be kept in a smart contract for 60 days. In addition, 5% of Ultra profits will be reserved for 2 years to fund exclusive games that use its blockchain and NFTs capabilities. ENGAGEMENT: Tokens are earned by performing specific actions such as; helping developers to build better games; watching ads; beta testing; answering surveys, and more. STACKING: Players can get rewarded with free games, swag and exclusive content just by holding tokens. SPENDABILITY: Users can buy and sell games/items for UOS, and in hundreds of shops through partners.
Solarcoin is a Scrypt based alternative digital currency and its innovation comes from the secondary proof of work reward: the Solar Proof of Work. Green solar energy producers are entitled to receive one SLR for every MWh electricity generated. In order to claim a Solar Proof of Work reward, solar plant owners must submit 3rd party verified energy generation certificates such as a Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) or equivalent country specific documentation. All Solar Proof Of Work rewards will be stored as transactions in the blockchain. The supply of SLR comprises of the following: - The Mining Pool: 105 million Solarcoins (0.1%) to be publicly mined over the next 40 years. All publicly mined Solarcoins represent historically generated and unclaimed solar electricity. - The Generator Pool: 97.5 billion SolarCoins (99.4%) are currently stored in the OCA non-circulating generation pool account. These will be exchanged for Solar Proof of Work claims of solar electricity generation submitted over the next 40 years at the rate of 1 SLR per MWh of solar energy. - The Genesis Pool: 500 million Solarcoins (0.5%) are stored in the genesis pool account for environmental charities, early volunteers, advisers, builders and maintainers of SolarCoin infrastructure. Genesis pool circulation is capped so that it will never represent more than 5% of total Solarcoin in circulation.