USD Coin USDC to Novacoin NVC Exchange

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Crypto Pair Details: USDC to NVC


USDC is a fully collateralized US dollar stablecoin. USDC is the bridge between dollars and trading on cryptocurrency exchanges. The technology behind CENTRE makes it possible to exchange value between people, businesses and financial institutions just like email between mail services and texts between SMS providers. We believe by removing artificial economic borders, we can create a more inclusive global economy.

Novacoin NVC

Novacoin is a hybrid Proof of work (POW) / Proof of stake (POS) decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency.The Proof of Work part of Novacoin is based on the Scrypt hashing algorithm. Proof of Stake contributes to the coins energy efficiency, as there is no need for nodes to contribute mining power to part of the money creation process. As of now, Novacoin is set to be capped at 2 billion coins. However Novacoin stated that the cap limit may be lifted if the situation requires it. It looks very much like a variation of Sunny King Peercoin.


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