BLOCKv, the shared protocol for the blockchain developer stack, represents the interface moment in the maturation of the blockchain sector. BLOCKv provides developers with the building blocks to design the experiential economy of the future and unlock new revenue generating opportunities for businesses within this growing ecosystem. The BLOCKv platform enables the creation of smart digital objects on blockchains unlocking the potential to rapidly engage end-users and traverse digital and real-world environments. These smart objects, called vAtoms (Virtual Atoms) combine code with multimedia elements and are dynamic, compelling digital goods that make a cryptocurrency come alive as an asset for developers, brands and end users.
NATIVE MULTICHAIN PLATFORM PCHAIN is the first native multichain system in the world that supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which consists of one main chain and multiple derived chains. CONSENSUS WITH HIERARCHICAL SHARDING PIPELINE POS based multi layer sharding mechanism with a novel pipeline design that tremendously improves the performance of transactions. SMART CONTRACTS BASED ON SMART DATA A new Oracle mechanism based on the knowledge graph makes it easier to encapsulate smart contracts. W3C compliant smart data effectively adresses the issue of nonintelligence in smart contracts. CROSS CHAIN INVOCATION AND TRANSACTIONS The smart contracts of PCHAIN can be easily invoked with other nonnative Tokens (BCH, ERC20) by using the provided toolkit.