Amoveo (VEO) is a highly scalable proof-of-work blockchain driven by its community and aimed for prediction markets, investment and insurance contracts, and various derivatives, such as stable coins. Amoveo is a blockchain meant for enforcement of investment and insurance contracts. Amoveo contracts are enforced using state-channels. This means fees are low, contracts are nearly instant and can support a global audience. Amoveo has oracle technology. Amoveo can learn facts about our world and enforce the outcome of contracts that are governed by these facts. This, for example, enables you to bet on the price of Amazon shares. The variables that define how to participate in Amoveo can be modified by the Amoveo community using a built-in process. This way Amoveo will always stay optimally tuned to produce the best results.
MB8 Coin will be used as the ‘fuel’ for the existing Multibuy loyalty rewards network. MB8 Coin will be the first ever cryptocurrency that is released with a proven real world use and will be accepted as part or whole payment within the existing network of vendors and retailers. MB8 Coin is set to become the backbone of the rewards network that has already been white labelled by over 2100 businesses.