Viberate is a platform that joins the entire live music ecosystem under one roof. Currently it acts as IMDB for live music, where profiles of musicians are ranked according to their online popularity. It is built and curated by the Viberate user community. Our end game is to disrupt the music industry as we know it by becoming the biggest global talent marketplace. Viberate’s database, community, holistic approach and marketplace features are the four elements that make its service unique and revolutionary. is a Blockchain-based social media platform developed by senior members of China Bitshares community. yoyow intends to become the blockchain version of Facebook, Quora and Zhihu, it uses a new consensus algorithm – PoF (proof of flow) to reward content creators, curators and third party platforms. Unlike its competitors, yoyow provides full toolkit for content compliance. But yet, it is still a fully decentralized blockchain content platform.