VeriCoin (VRC) is a Proof of Stake-Time cryptocurrency. It was previously a Proof-of-Stake cryptocurrency with Proof of Work used to mine coins in the early stage. VeriCoin began work on PoST after the MintPal VRC hack and the subsequent roll back. More information on Proof of Stake-Time can be obtained by reading the whitepaper here. There is no Pre-mine or IPO for VeriCoin. The minimum stake time is at least 8 hours. The one highlight feature of VeriCoin is VeriFund. VeriFund is the answer to ensure stability and growth of VeriCoin. It is used to counter the inflationary effect of the proof of stake. When the supply increases, VeriFund will purchase liquid supply of VeriCoin to ensure growth and stability of the coin's value. More info about VeriFund can be found at Another key feature of VeriCoin is VeriSMS. VeriSMS is an SMS wallet system that gives your phone capability to access the VeriCoin network. Some of the available commands include 'Balance', 'setpassword', and 'SEND'. More information about VeriSMS can be found at
Using blockchain technology in an unprecedented way, Civic is more than just a coin or a cryptocurrency to trade. It’s an identity verification platform which is meant to make life easier, not only for the user but also for the entity who wishes to verify the identity. Rather than going through a long-winded document verification process, the Civic token enables the verification of identity directly in places where it is accepted. The Civic coin or Civic token (CVC) is the currency associated with Civic, which thrives on the Ethereum blockchain, primarily exchanged during the identity verification process. As a platform, the Civic cryptocurrency shows a lot of promise. While it is only available in the US presently (which may be disappointing news about its current potential), it’ll soon expand and come over to other countries - which should give it a nice bump in value. The blockchain is where the future lies, and the Civic coin uses it in a unique way to make life easier and our identity more secure.