W Green Pay users will be able to spend tokens as a payment method anywhere in the world as the platform is progressively rolled out globally with the continued expansion of supporters and contributors to the HOOXI Campaign. W Green Pay is already used as the exclusive payment method on HOOXI Shopping Mall integrated in the HOOXI App. Hodlers of W Green Pay will have exclusive access to W-Foundation’s HOOXI Campaign events, which are highly valued events orchestrated by W- Foundation’s existing global community of sponsors, partners, and K-POP followers. Demand for W Green Pay is also expected to remain stable and consistent. Issuer will continue to buy back the tokens to expand the reward pool to the HOOXI App users to further motivate the public to participate in environmental actions.
StrongHands™ is a free open source project derived from Bitcoin, with the goal of providing a long-term energy-efficient crypto-currency. Build on the foundation of Bitcoin, innovations such as proof-of-stake help further advance the field of crypto-currency. StrongHands™ is a StrongHands™ network-compatible, community-developed wallet client. The project has been designed to provide people with a stable, secure, and feature-rich alternative to the StrongHands™ reference wallet PPCoin. To help facilitate broad community cooperation, many trusted StrongHands™/Peershares community leaders have write permissions to the project’s codebase, allowing for decentralization and continuity. Community members, old and new, are encouraged to find ways to contribute to the success of the project. If you have experience with programming, product design, QA engineering, translation, or have a different set of skills that you want to bring to the project, your involvement is appreciated!