Xaurum is the unit of value on the golden blockchain. Xaurum Golden Blackchain represents the increasing amount of gold and can be exchanged for through melting. Xaurum is a transparent ledger of account for the distribution of gold owned by the Xaurum Commonwealth, which is maintained by Auresco Institute physically and Guardian nodes digitally. Auresco institute and Guardian nodes are both designed to distribute and increase Xaurum's value. The Xaurum can be mined cooperatively by miners on the Goldmine. Xaurum exercises cooperative control over the money supply through cooperative mining and minting that have been decentralized. This mined bvalue can be exchanged for physical gold, storesd as the CommonWealth gold reserves.
BitCrystals are Counterparty assets which acts as game currency for EverdreamSoft’s upcoming mobile game Spells of Genesis (SoG) and trading card game Moonga. BitCrystals come about because the game creators believe that players should be able to keep their game assets outside the control of game developers' databases and like a normal economy, allow for free trade of the virtual goods. There was a crowdsale of the BitCrystals token where 70% of the 100 million total tokens were made available for purchase. The remaining 30% were given to early supporters and contributors. All unsold BitCrystals were burned on October 2015. A total of 974.13 BTC was raised during the crowdsale.