'DigitalNote describes itself as a decentralized Proof-of-Work(bmw512)/Proof-of-Stake(echo512) hybrid blockchain with fast, untraceable transactions and encrypted messaging features. The network is reportedly resistant to 51% attacks via its VRX v3.0 technology and it is mobile-ready with lightweight wallet functionality. A masternode network reportedly enhances untraceability and provides incentive for users to secure the network, whilst enabling fast private transactions and P2P messaging that are difficult to trace or censor. Miners and stakers are encouraged to participate via network fee payouts, facilitating consistent block generation and a fast network. DigitalNote was originally released as ''duckNote'' by an anonymous individual or group of individuals under the pseudonym ''dNote'' in 2014. Over the years more advancements were added to the protocol, with each major upgrade rebranding the name of the protocol (first ''DarkNote'' and then ultimately ''DigitalNote''). Much like Bitcoin's ''Satoshi Nakamoto'', the original founder(s) vanished in 2017, leaving the open source code to be updated by a community team who have since continued development.'
Thorecoin transparently offers investors no value.THR represents a basket of top-traded high-demand coins Simply put, it’s a Basket of Multiple cryptocurrencies in which you can invest by buying tokens, without the need to buy each cryptocurrency separately. It’s an opportunity to easily participate in the growth of cryptocurrencies. It’s a simple and comprehensible solution. You need to monitor only one price – the price of the #THR Token By buying a Token, you get a share in this portfolio, THR token is traded as any other coin 24/7. Simply and quickly.Few investors, few investors means few transactions & Lot of Inhouse GAIN is Single Point Agenda