Haven is an untraceable cryptocurrency with a mix of standard market pricing and stable fiat value storage without an unsustainable peg or asset backing. It achieves this with a built in on-chain smart contract that controls the minting and burning of coins in a network of cryptographically unknown supply to facilitate value for users that choose to send their coins to offshore storage contracts while allowing everyone else to be exposed to the natural price movements of the currency. Offshore Storage Offshore Storage is Haven's built in smart contract/protocol that powers the stable value storage. In short, sending Haven to offshore storage (burning) records a reference on the blockchain to the current fiat value which can be restored later back into Haven by minting new coins to the tune of the current fiat value. The key use cases for offshore contracts are: Point of sales/payment gateway systems where goods can be bought with Haven and stores can immediately lock the fiat value in to protect from price fluctuations. This has the added benefit of keeping the stores business and income completely hidden on the blockchain as neither their wallet address or amounts are revealed. Storing large amount of money outside of the traditional banking system. Privacy focused cryptos are perfect for this but without a reliable way to maintain value through fluctuations the process of holding could be costly. Sending Haven offshore quite literally, makes money disappear until you want it back at which point the value remains intact. Untraceable | Hidden | Decentralized Haven uses ring signatures, ring confidential transactions and stealth addresses meaning payments cannot be tracked or linked back to any user. Wallet addresses and transaction amounts are completely obfuscated on the Haven blockchain making all activity invisible. The Haven Protocol is decentralized and open source meaning no central control over the network. Nothing is censored.
Enigma is a crypto platform that’s trying to solve the problem of privacy on the blockchain by giving them access to much-needed storage, privacy, and scalability. Enigma wants to extend Ethereum Smart Contracts by introducing secret contracts, a brand of smart contract that gives users an element of privacy that’s not intrinsic to current blockchain protocols. These contracts operate off-chain, meaning the execution of the Smart Contract doesn’t occur on the Ethereum blockchain itself. This is how the Enigma protocol works: it breaks up the Smart Contract and any related data into pieces, encrypts those pieces, and distributes them redundantly among Enigma nodes. Enigma has a protocol level. The Enigma privacy protocol allows for decentralized computation of sensitive data. It has a platform layer too. On this protocol, dozens of platforms such as data marketplaces and AI exchanges can be built. In its application layer, it enables thousands of truly decentralized apps that require private computation and secure data.Its first application is catalyst. Catalyst is the first application to be built on the Enigma protocol, already active with tens of thousands of users. Catalyst is a revolutionary platform for data-driven cryptoasset investing and research, built for professional crypto traders. Enigma has a team of MIT graduates, and they’ve been working diligently to ensure Enigma’s success. Guy Zyskind, Enigma’s CEO and cofounder, helped start the project while he was still a student at MIT. He has more than a decade of software development experience with an M.S. from MIT. Sandy Pentland, a well known MIT data scientist who gained fame for his work in data-mining social interactions, is Zyskind and Nathan’s adviser on Enigma. With other advisors such as Alex Pentland, who sits on the Advisory Boards for Google and Nissan, CEO of Abra, Bill Barhydt and director of MIT media lab, Prof. Alex Pentland, it is hard to difficult a fault in the team.